A Van Gogh!

A Van Gogh!
From the artists at ArtWorks945

Monday, June 28, 2010


3500 ceramic pieces in a little over ten years. -- that’s how many Picasso made near the end of his life.

I learned that fact over the weekend at a museum in Charleston. I am still stunned by it. That’s about one piece a day. Except for performing basic biological functions, I haven’t done anything every day for even a week much less ten years.

So I’m feeling pretty ordinary compared to good old Picasso.

As I drove away from Charleston I thought that perhaps I would feel a bit less ordinary were I to trade up to Charleston. That way I would own the museum that holds the Picasso vase that made me feel so ordinary.

Could I trade up to Charleston?

Probably not.

Besides, even though Picasso is great, I still prefer Van Gogh. I think it has something to do with his ear. And I don’t think there are any Van Gogh's in Charleston.

So I will stick to my original plan. Trading up to a Van Gogh.

And as I mentioned last week, I am supposed to go see another artist’s paintings on Wednesday.

I have seen pictures of the artist’s work online, and I think they are great. So I can’t wait.

I will let you know what happens in my next post.

Just to help things along, though, I can’t help but tell the universe:

I want to trade my Kelly Koeppel this week for a cool painting.
I want to trade my Kelly Koeppel this week for a cool painting.
I want to trade my Kelly Koeppel this week for a cool painting.

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